Bonsai Society of Victoria

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Masterly transforming a neglected juniper into a bonsai by John Hayman


Topic: Transforming a neglected juniper

Presenter: John Hayman

We had the opportunity to observe the transformation of an old Juniper Squamata stock Victor had neglected for a very long time.

John has gained vast experience over very many years working with and learning from many of our experienced members.

Two years ago, he accepted an opportunity to undertake an apprenticeship with Master Wyn Lee, the leading Penjing artist in Malaysia. During his time in Asia, he also studied with the brilliant Robert Stevens. John was a guest demonstrator in China, Malaysia and Indonesia.

John is a highly regarded collector of ethically sourced yamadori material. A couple of years ago some members attended a dig for gum trees, and hopefully, more opportunities will arise in the future.

A year ago, John took one of my unremarkable trees and transformed it into a wonderful bonsai. An excellent example of his ability to design, and create a bonsai of unusual beauty.