September Weekend Workshop

With longer days and warmer weather, our trees are slowly entering the spring growth phase and generating much work for bonsai enthusiasts.  Unfortunately, the weeds are also strongly responding to these changes generating even more work. BSV Members met at our normal venue to work on their trees and seek advice and guidance from other members; and to have a chat and catch up.  Repotting, re-styling and trimming activities were the main focus.  A very productive afternoon was had by all. Photos of many of these activities are included below. This old Liquidamber received treatment on the top and the bottom. See the before and after photos of this Juniper which are designed to improve the trunk taper.

Norway Spruce

Norway Spruce

Liquidamber styling

Liquidamber styling

Fig - After repotting and styling adjustment

Fig - After repotting and styling adjustment

Elm branch development.

Elm branch development.

Liquidamber - removing a root issue.

Liquidamber - removing a root issue.

Juniper - after

Juniper - after

Red Pine trim

Red Pine trim

Group Planting tidy up.

Group Planting tidy up.

Juniper - before

Juniper - before

Saturday Workshop, GalleryBSV